Join Us in Prayer

Subtitle letting people know you’re a praying community.

Prayer Request Form

Our community of faith cares about you! We believe prayer is a way for people of faith to be people of love. Submit your prayer request using the provided form.

NOTE: Please verify that you have the permission to share any confidential information before submitting requests. If in doubt, make your request but leave out any identifying information about people and their conditions.

Please share with

13 + 4 =

Please Pray with Us

Evie has been having pain in her hip and is going to be having surgery on [date]. She asks for prayers for those doing the surgery and for her family members who will need to help care for her in the coming weeks.

[Anonymous] has been dealing with many financial challenges including the loss of his wife’s job recently. Pray for strength and wisdom as they seek help from local organizations and look for new work.

Fritz Sandborn shares that he has a new address, now that he has moved into a retirement center. If you know Fritz and want the address, call or email him. (The church office will not give out member addresses.)

Abundantius instrumenta, quae praebet auxilium populi, instituuntur ecclesiae, et aliis Institutis ipse pervenire ad populum: occursum necessitates et hoc planeta iustus est vir Dei, pro omnibus hominibus.

Abundantius instrumenta, quae praebet auxilium populi, instituuntur ecclesiae, et aliis Institutis ipse pervenire ad populum: occursum necessitates et hoc planeta iustus est vir Dei, pro omnibus hominibus.

Abundantius instrumenta, quae praebet auxilium populi, instituuntur ecclesiae, et aliis Institutis ipse pervenire ad populum: occursum necessitates et hoc planeta iustus est vir Dei, pro omnibus hominibus.

Prayer Resources

Resource One

Optional description of a resource that adds context or a good reference.

Resource Two

Use this section to give people more information, scriptures, tools…

Resource Three

Be sure to have external links open in a new tab.

Resource Four

This entire section is optional…

Resource Five

…but as long as it’s here, why not use it in a creative way?

Resource Six

You can also suggest internal links, PDFs, link to books or videos, etc.